Thursday, May 23, 2019

Consumer Awareness

Definition Consumer awareness is making the consumer aware of His/Her unspoileds. Consumer awareness it a marketing term. It performer thatconsumers note or are aware ofproducts or services, its characteristics and the other marketing Ps (placeto barter for, price,and promotion). Usually commercials and ads increase consumer awareness, as wellas word of mouth(a rumormonger from someone you know about a product or service). 1 Need we need it so wewill not be misled by producers,it explains if what webuy is worth toour money.. nd not harmful to us and to environment . Many people are ignorant oftheir rights to get protected against the exploitation by somany others. So when there is aforum for such redress of grievances there seems to beno such exploitation by many and becomes a rare one. So in aim to get a clear pictureof the direct of exploitation ofconsumers, the awareness is required.2. Role of producers proper labeling, full nurture, health warnings, handling information, expiration date,etc. eep to requirements, norms, standards labelproducts according requirements,providing dependable facts They clear to produceand deliver the goods/services of right qualityat right price at right time at right placeat right quantity with right faceIf they are providing a service they should carry it out with due skill and care. They mustalso make sure that any materials they provide as stir up of this service are fit for the purpose. It is also illegal for a supplier to cut off, or threaten to cut off, supply to areseller (wholesale or retail) because they have beendiscounting goods or advertisingdiscounts below prices setby the supplier.Some of the common methods of exploitation are 1. Under weight and undermeasurements not measured or weighed correctly2. Substandard Quality spoiled homeappliances and medicines beyond expirydate3. High pricescharging above the retail price4. DuplicateArticlesselling fake items in the name of the original5. Adulteration and I mpurityis doneto get highprofits6. Lack of safetyDevicesabsence of inbuiltsafe guards in appliances7. ArtificialScarcityhoarding and blackmarketing8. False andIncomplete Informationmisleading information on quality, durability,and safety. . Unsatisfactory after sales Servicehigh cost items like electronics and carsrequire constant and regular service. 10. Rough behavior and Undue conditionsharassment in getting LPG connection ora telephone connection.. Factors causing exploitation of Consumers. 1. Limited Informationproviding full and correct information will help in thechoice2. Limited Supplieswhen goods and services are in short supply then price shootsup3. Limited Competition. single producer may manipulate the market in terms ofprice and stocks. 4. Low Literacy. illiteracy leads to exploitation.Hence Consumer Awareness isessential. Riseofconsumer Awareness Kautilya was one of the earliest to write inhis Arthashastra about the need for Consumerawareness and protection. With the emergence of private sector there is a greater needfordiscipline and regulation of the market. Consumers must be aware of the sale andpurchase of goods, the health and protection aspects also. Ensuring the safety of food itemssold in the market is essential these days. Legal measures for consumer safety and consumer awareness must be uniform, andtransparent in terms of prices, quality of goods, andstocks.Consumers must have thetools to combat malpractices and protect their rights. Rights and Duties of Consumers As codified under the Indian Laws theConsumers have the following Rights 1. RighttoSafetytoprotect againsthazardous goods2. Rightto be awareabout price,quality, purity3. Right to Chooseaccess to a varietyof goods and services at competitive prices. 4. Right to be Heardconsumers interest and welfaremust be taken care of5. Right to seek Redressalprotection against unfair trade practicesand settling documented grievances. 6. Right to Consumer Education. Kowledge about goodsand issues related toconsumers. Duties 1. Get a billfor either important purchase and also theWarranty card2. Check the ISI mark orAgmark on the goods3. Formconsumer awareness groups4. Make a complaint on genuine grievances. 5. Consumers must know to exercise their rights. Consumer protection Measure 1. Legislation concerning Consumer Rights. The Consumer Protection Act 1986 provides for consumer disputes redressal at the stateand national level. With the help of this law the agenciescan solve grievances in aspeedy, simpleand inexpensivemanner.A separate department ofconsumer affairs wasset up at the state andcentral government. Athree tier system of consumer courts at theNational, show and District levels were set up. These agencies have done good work byhandling lakhs of cases. 2. Public Distribution System .To protect the poor from pricerise and black marketing the governmentfood security tothe poor by supplying essentials through the ration or Fair price shops. 3. Standardisation of Products .These are done to tell thequality of products.The ISI stamp on goods is placedby theBureau of Indian standards. This caters to industrial and consumer goods. These goodscan betrusted to confirm tospecific standards. Agmark is meant for Agriculturalproducts. At the International level the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) locatedin Geneva sets common standards. The FAO and WHO provide food standards. 4. Legal formalities for filing a complaint .The complaint can bewritten on plain paper. The supporting documents like the warrantycard must beattached. A lawyer is not required. We can argue our case

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